As an athlete, your body has more nutrient needs than the average person. Athletes need specific caloric intake, along with specific nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. They need supplemental support that aid in muscle growth, inflammation reduction, heart health, cellular regeneration, and sleep hygiene. At Alpha Hydration, we have many professional football players, basketball players, and semi-pro sports figures that depend on us to aid and support their body systems for optimal performance and health maintenance.

Immunity Booster: If the immune system is suppressed at all, then you are susceptible to sickness or seasonal flu. Taking care to boost your immune system is first priority. This infusion increases red blood cell production, further increasing oxygenation, which also in turn increases the body’s virus fighting capacity and increases stamina for those long rides, runs, or swims.
Hydrenergy: If you are simply looking for straight focus on energy, this is the infusion for you. Most athletes take very good care to maintain their overall well-being and tend to be pretty balanced in their daily nutrition. However, most athletes want more energy and the stamina that goes along with that steady stream of energy throughout the day.
NAD+: Feed your cells! In order to get the optimal sports performance, you have to nourish your body on a cellular level. NAD+ actually down-regulates inflammation, helping the athlete to recover from hard workouts and muscle building. This amazing co-enzyme plays a critical role in enzymes that regulate gene expression involved in repairing damaged DNA, which enhances physical health.
Hollywood Drip: An athlete’s body is subjected to greater amounts of inflammation and stress, requiring higher doses of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory supplements. The Hollywood Drip IV aids athletes to have a better performance and a faster recovery.
LA Drip: Good for muscle recovery, increased oxygenation, and hydration, the LA Drip also effectively decreases lactic acid build up. For athletes, these are incredibly important aspects to their health and performance.
Whether you are training for a triathlon, a professional athlete, or taking your fitness to the next level, we have IV’s that are customized for you and your individual needs.
Questions? Call us to discuss the full range of options we offer, as we can often create an individualized plan of skin treatment and optimized health.