Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Alpha Hydration and Wellness believes in and strives for whole body wellness. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, we focus on bettering your health. Yes, we are the premier IV wellness clinic in Los Angeles, but we are more than just IV’s. Focusing on optimizing health, we expanded our practice to more wellness-driven services that improve lives every day.
BHRT is something that has gained international recognition and support. Years of verified research and development have proven its powerful effectiveness. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is an amazing tool for balancing hormones safely and easily. Not only are we doing it for our clients, but we started with our family and friends because we believe in it so much. As a matter of fact, ask us about our personal experience with the pellets, because they are something that have greatly improved our lives.
At Alpha Hydration, it’s more than IV’s, it’s wellness.
Alpha BHRT is BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) with pellets. Basically, it is a better, more effective form of BHRT. We start with blood work and a lab diagnostic tests and from there we delve into your health concerns, personal/family health history, lifestyle, home/work environments, daily stressors, and social activities. This gives us an in-depth understanding of your individual body, life, and emotional experiences that will affect your health and hormones.
It’s not just HRT, it’s HRT optimization. It is an integrated, functional medicine approach.
Traditional BHRT with pellets treats the symptoms, while Alpha BHRT treats the root cause of the problem. Our approach looks at what is truly causing the patient’s hormone imbalance or health issue. By looking at how all of the body’s systems are working together, we can gain a clear picture of cause and effect.

Better Sleep
Tired of waking up in the middle of the night, and having trouble getting to sleep? BHRT can help

Higher Sex Drive
It’s common to get a lower labido as you age. This can help you get your mojo back.

Better Living
People experience more energy, better moods, and they feel better overall.
Are you experiencing a lower sex drive?
Low libido and decreased sex drive is common probem for men and women over the age of 30, and even younger (depending on your genetics and lifestyle). Low labido, lack of sexual desire, and the inability to maintain an erection/lubrication are effects of hormonal imbalance. There may be other factors that are the root cause of your sexual impediments, but often the issue comes back to hormone imbalance.
Are you having trouble losing those extra pounds?
Holding stubborn weight, especially after changing your diet and implementing an exercise program, can feel frustrating and incredibly defeating to a person. Sometimes food and exercise are not the problem; oftentimes, hormonal imbalances are the root cause. One of the key problems around weight gain and weight retention is that of the ‘stubborn belly fat’ that the person simply cannot shed. When diet and exercise fail to achieve the desired results, we need to take a look at the real root of the problem, and maybe that root is hormones.
Are you having trouble sleeping through the night, or getting a good night’s rest?
Most people can remember a time when they heard their parents or grandparents talking about how hard it is for them to get a good night’s sleep or how they constantly wake up and have trouble going back to sleep. This is not a new phenomenon; this is not a new problem. This has been a recurring issue for people as they get older, due to many things, but very often it is due to imbalances in their hormones.
Alpha BHRT vs. Other BHRT Therapy
- Fewer boosts required in new patients
- Faster absorption of hormones
- Less scar tissue
- More consistent absorption over time
- Higher patient satisfaction
Who is a good candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Everyone is a candidate until proven otherwise, however we will ensure you are a candidate utilizing objective and subjective data.
Does Erasing Time do my blood work / labs, or do I go to an outside source?
You may do either, however be aware if obtaining your own labs you will be responsible for co-pays and possible extra charges from the lab. Labs through ET/AHS are inexpensive and no surprise charges, plus it’s in your initial pellet therapy cost!
How long does it take to get my blood results?
Results typically take 2-3 days.
What will you be able to tell from my blood results?
We can check your hormone levels, electrolytes, kidneys, liver, white blood cells, red blood cells. We can tell if you need extra attention in a certain area or are anemic or iron deficient. We check your thyroid function and basically how your libido is working.
What sorts of protocols are implemented for my specific plan in BHRT?
As a full-spectrum approach, we will integrate pellets, supplements, and lab data to optimize your hormones and optimize your health and life.
How long after getting my pellets before I can really feel a difference or notice a positive change in my energy levels and sleep habits, etc?
Men take 2-3 weeks to start noticing a significant difference, however some men report a much quicker onset. Women can take as little as 3 days to start feeling more energetic, increased libido and better sleep.
How often do I need to get my pellets replenished?
After initial insertion we will recheck labs at about 5 weeks and determine, based on a multifaceted approach, whether or not a booster will be necessary. Subsequent therapies will be adjusted based on the first series. Women are recommended every 3 months or when symptoms start to reappear. Men every 5 months or when symptoms start to reappear.