We don’t want you to say no to a party simply because you don’t want to “pay the price” the next day via a nasty hangover and nausea. That’s why we created a specific IV infusion that is for hydrating party recovery. We have IV’s to help combat nausea, anxiety, fatigue, and dehydration. Hangovers. Who needs ‘em?

Party Recovery IV: We can’t help you recover your dignity from a hard night of partying and some majorly fun, bad decisions, but we can help you recover your energy and your hydration. This IV is filled with B vitamins that increase the metabolization of alcohol which helps shorten the ‘hangxiety.’ Our Party Recovery could best be described as “expediting hangover recovery.” In extreme circumstances, we may recommend additional hydration. Ask your nurse.
Hollywood Drip: You can always upgrade to our Hollywood Drip in order to supplement extra vitamins and minerals which may aid in a faster hangover recovery.
It’s fun getting the hangover, but it’s never fun keeping it. We have IV’s to take away the after-effects of the fun, so you can just keep the good memories.
Questions? Call us to discuss the full range of options we offer, as we can often create an individualized plan of skin treatment and optimized health.